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Photo of Mathushek Colibri Square #87008 Photo of Mathushek Colibri Square #87008 Photo of Mathushek Colibri Square #87008
Mathushek Colibri Square #87008
Make: Mathushek
Model: Colibri
Type: Square
Serial: 87008
Year: 1938
Size: 5'
Newer than most of the pianos in the collection but unusual enough to be kept. Mathushek re-introduced this square piano in the 1930s. The original music desk would have been plain and simple, more in keeping with the lines of the case design. Unlike the original squares of the 19th century, this one has tuning pins along the edge nearer the keys as in the Hisky. Originally the name Colibri was given to this model, after the French word for Hummingbird, though Mathushek called it a Spinet Grand in the modern version.